General Science Questions and Answers for Learning and Exam Preparation.
1. The flowering plants are collectively called?
Answer: Angiosperms
2. The reproductive units in Angiosperms is called?
Answer: Flower
3. The male reproductive organ of the flower?
Answer: Androecium
4. The female reproductive organ of a flower?
Answer: Gynoecium
5. Study of flowers?
Answer: Anthology
6. Fruits developed from the parts of the flower other than a card?
Answer: False fruits (Cashew)
7. Smallest pollen?
Answer: Myosotis
8. Largest pollen?
Answer: Mirabilis
9. Father of angiosperm embryology in India?
Answer: P. Maheswari
10. Pollination by the agency of water?
Answer: Hydrophily
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